Oakland Passes Historic Nondiscrimination Bill Protecting Diverse Family and Relationship Structures
Oakland Passes Historic Nondiscrimination Bill Protecting Diverse Family and Relationship Structures

PLAC Members in the Media
“How Expanding The Legal Definition Of Family Helps Us All” with Diana Adams, Esq.

Berkeley and Oakland Introduce Historic Nondiscrimination Bills Protecting Diverse Family and Relationship Structures
In a coordinated effort, members of Berkeley and Oakland City Councils have introduced bills aimed at extending nondiscrimination protections to nonmonogamous families and relationships, alongside other non-nuclear family structures.

PLAC Members in the Media
Advancing Modern Families with Alexander Chen and Heath Schechinger

PLAC Members in the Media
Advocating for Queer, Transgender and Polyamorous Families with Andy Izenson

Diverse Families Rejoice; Cambridge City Council Passes Historic Nondiscrimination Law
On Monday night, Cambridge became the second city in the country to protect diverse families from discrimination based on relationship structure, including polyamorous families, platonic partners, and other non-nuclear families.

Somerville Passes Historic Non-Discrimination Ordinance Protecting Polyamorous Families and Other Diverse Relationships
Somerville City Council just made history by passing a groundbreaking non-discrimination ordinance protecting polyamorous families and relationships. This ordinance makes Somerville the first city in the United States to extend explicit legal protections to polyamorous and other non-nuclear families and relationships.

Cambridge Becomes 2nd US City to Legalize Polyamorous Domestic Partnerships
On March 8th, 2021, the Cambridge City Council passed a historic domestic partnership ordinance aimed at recognizing and protecting polyamorous and other multi-partner families and relationships.